Stupid Truly is as Stupid Does…. Just a Few of My Thoughts…

I’m scrolling through Facebook today (something I do often) and what comes through my feed is an article entitled “NPR Tweets Entire Declaration of Independence, Dumb!@$ Conservatives Think It’s an Attack on Trump” and all I could do was 1) share the post and 2) SMH at the pure unadulterated ignorance of such a large population of our nation.  America, for lack of a better term is DUMB and not because people don’t have the capacity to learn but because people proudly parade around DUMB by choice.

Wow, Wow, Wow…. I often have conversations with my friends and family about the amazing lessons people are exposed to through social media, the oxymoron is that although there is pure uncensored access to a wealth of knowledge; there is also pure ignorance peripatetic in scope as well because people are comfortably happy being idiots.

The response that some Trump supporters gave in reading the full Declaration of Independence tweeted out line by line, and the idiots who are and will likely continue to proudly march on the wrong side of history went into a heated frenzy about the language used in the document, not knowing or even understanding what the document was…. We (and when I say We, I mean everyone intelligent, ambivalent, young, old, male, female…doesn’t matter WE) have a huge problem in this nation with Historical accuracy and context, knowledge and comprehension, the realities of who and what this nation was and is, and critical thinking skills.  That problem has negative trickle-down, trickle-across, trickle side-to-side effects because people are emotional creatures much more often than they are pragmatic and logical, most days you cannot fix stupid no matter how hard you try.

Social media while an amazing platform for knowledge and educational enlightenment also manages to hold up a large global-sized mirror that exposes and mocks the “Dumbing of America”, it’s not just dumbed down, it’s just in essence dumb and we will all suffer greatly and publicly for it.


  1. Love this post. I had a similar reaction to the dumb responses that NPR got for posting the SAME THING IT DOES EVERY YEAR. And the hypocrisy of a group that claims to have a moratorium on being patriots but don't even recognize the words of the Declaration of Independence when they see it is just lunacy.


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