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It's So Hard to Say Goodbye - Week 6 Reflections

I'm really saddened and I cannot believe, it's over (well, in the literal sense of us communing with each other in this space anyway).  Wow, this has been one of the most phenomenal and useful classes I have ever taken in both my undergraduate and my graduate experiences.  There were so many moving parts and I have seen tool I thought I was familiar through an entirely new lens, and introduced to so many new I didn't even know about. I learned so much, so much and I will continue to learn because it is my intention to return and use the checklists the readings, the assignments, the tools, everything as a point of reference, a resource, and a medium for continues and re-teaching for myself and yes, even my students for me to completely grasp everything that Web 2.0 and education is.  I am in such awe from this class. So many of the ideas, sparked new ideas within me and I am so thankful, and full, and excited about how I can be a better student, teacher, and personal p...

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