My Periscope Experience....Late

So I signed up for Periscope, just to realize I already had a Periscope account.  Unfortunately, I could  not participate at the 11 AM Thursday showing (I had a work meeting 2-hours long that conflicted, but I did go and find it this evening.

Hmmm, so while I had a Pericsope account, I never used it while Tae was conducting his live feed (replay for me) I was thinking to myself, what the what?  And I see this is similar to Facebook Live, but it came before it.

I was reading that Periscope has 10 million plus users, but I don't know who is really utilizing this social media platform.  I am going to have to spend some more time learning this tool and see that flow, this would be a great tool for having my students to present some of their projects live, I love the broadcast.  This would be a great Produsage tool, especially when I get around to teaching an online course.

Well done Tae!  Well Done.


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