Leaks or Whistleblowing?

Propaganda, rhetoric, classified, what makes said material classified?  And who gets to make that determination for the public?  Governments abuse their power and use propaganda and rhetoric to serve their agenda and mislead the public.

Thoughts on the following:

Leaks or Whistleblowing?

This makes for an interesting learning experience and discussion.  Chime in your thoughts on the press conference.  Social media users have shared and commented on this in droves and most commenter's believe there is an agenda afoot that does not support anything close to democracy or the well being of the American people.

This would make an awesome Web 2.0 informal learning experience on the difference between what constitutes leaks and what constitutes whistle blowing.

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  1. A practice that has been going forth from the beginning of time.. The propaganda machine that is... And It is up to each of us to dismantle by staying woke and utilizing our minds and our mouths.


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